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Year 2


We are really looking forward to the new school year ahead!

Meet the Year 2 team.

Mrs Stewardson (Teacher)

Mrs Grasby (Learning Support Assistant)

We have a really exciting term ahead. You will find the Year 2 Curriculum Map below which sets out the topics that we will be looking at this year.

We hope you enjoy looking at all of the photographs of our learning!

timetable information

Our PE days are Monday & Thursday

Monthly Highlight

We have had such a busy April in Class 2. We went on a nature hunt, using our best David Attenborough voices to tell our partners all about the creatures we found. We dissected a seed and were able to find the baby plant inside. We have also had a visit from Florence Nightingale. The children asked lots of thoughtful questions and we learnt lots about her life.

florence nightingaleIMG_0047

Autumn- The Big Smoke

Spring - To Infinity and Beyond

Summer 1 -Life Savers

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